Strategic Planning

CIESC Administrative Supports offers a comprehensive strategic planning process that seeks to maximize community engagement, provides focused feedback and input from all stakeholders, and results in a plan that has focused goals, strategic actions, clear timelines and accountability.

There are five stages to the CIESC Strategic Planning Process:

1. Inquiry Stage

  • Investigate and Assess the current situation
  • Gather Perception Data and Student Achievement Data
  • Identify Strengths and Opportunities (Focus Group Discussions)
  • Prepare initial District Status Report

2. Imagine Stage

  • Create (revise) Mission, Vision and Values
  • Create a Profile of a Learner

3. Planning Stage

  • Formulate Strategy using CIESC Planning Template
  • Review District Status Report and Prioritize Opportunities
  • Identify SMART goals, strategic actions, and metrics
  • Develop Timelines and Assign Oversight Responsibilities
  • Ensure Alignment (School Improvement Plans, Technology Plan, etc.)

4. Implementation Stage

  • Put the Plan into Action
  • Monitor Progress

5. Review Stage

  • Evaluate and Assess Strategic Actions
  • Revise Actions and Goals
  • Report back to School Board to Approve Strategic Plan 2.0

Get the Support You Need

We organize our strategic planning process around five key elements, which include:

  1. Teaching & Learning
  2. Culture & Climate
  3. Finance & Operations
  4. Community Engagement
  5. Leadership at all Levels

Our team will work side-by-side with district and site administrators to ensure that all of the elements above are closely examined and that constant feedback from stakeholders is considered on a regular basis. The resulting plan, which takes about one fiscal year to complete up to the implementation stage, will ensure that the goals, actions and strategies that are developed will transform your district. 

Learn where you can improve and get actionable insights with a comprehensive audit from Administrative Supports. Fill out the form below or contact Jim Hogeboom, Director of Administrative Supports, at or 317.986.2347 to get started or learn more.

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