Non-Certified Staff Professional Learning

Invest in Your Non-Certified Staff with a Professional Learning Plan

Non-certified staff are essential to the success of any educational system. Unfortunately, the needs of non-certificated staff are often overlooked, or a district does not have the expertise to provide training and support. Let us help you design a specific training to meet your particular needs.

To achieve excellence, it’s essential that your institution fosters engagement, productivity, and professional growth amongst its non-certified staff. Investing in your team through professional learning yields not only a stronger school climate and improved performance but also a sense of community.

As school administrators and leaders, a key indicator of institutional growth is internal staff performance. When you provide professional learning and training services to your non-certified staff, you will see a huge return on investment as your overall school climate immensely improves.

CIESC can help support your school improve its overall operations with a Non-Certified Staff Professional Learning Plan, which includes the following services below.

Non-Certified Staff Professional Learning graphic

Customized Training for Non-Certified Staff

HR, Custodial, Maintenance, & Transportation Directors/Managers
  • Hiring Process
  • Employee Evaluation, Growth & Performance Development
  • Communication, Confidentiality, & Professionalism
  • Creating & Reviewing Processes
Support, Custodial, Maintenance, Food Service & Transportation Staff Members
  • Communication (colleagues, parents/guardians, students) & Professionalism
  • Confidentiality
  • Harassment
  • Student Supervision
  • 16 Personalities Team Development

Invest in Your Staff Today

Improve the performance of your non-certified staff and overall climate of your school with a comprehensive professional learning plan. Fill out the form below or contact Dr. Christy Hilton, Director of Partnerships and Administrative Supports, at or 317.986.2349 to get started or learn more.