The Best Educational Experiences

Central Indiana Educational Service Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit providing free and at-cost educational programs throughout central Indiana and beyond. Last year we served over 180 schools and organizations to provide a better educational experience to over 195,000 children.

With our comprehensive services we allow organizations to function at the lowest possible cost while maintaining the highest possible quality. CIESC programs include a number of collaborative ventures with other organizations and non-profits to improve the learning process.

About CIESC Graphic
Executive Coaching Graphic

Our Vision

CIESC will become a leading academic and operational service provider to all PK-12 Indiana educational stakeholders.

Our Mission

Central Indiana Educational Service Center (CIESC) is committed to innovative programs and exceptional service enhancing academic achievement and operational efficiencies.

Our Values

  • Act with Integrity
  • Serve and Respect All
  • Support Authenticity
  • Focus on Quality
  • Innovate to Meet Needs

Department Objectives

Cooperative Programs

  • Child Nutrition: To increase the number of K-12 school food categories CIESC procures for member districts in the next two years.
  • School Buses: To maintain the current level of participation in the purchasing program.
  • Cooperative Programs: To become the most complete and comprehensive program in the state.

Indiana Online

  • To partner with schools to provide a cost-effective solution by offering a variety of 5-12 grade online courses with flexible start dates
  • To support school partners and students by offering wrap-around services including a dedicated student service team, weekly intervention support, accommodation support, and access to a comprehensive student information system
  • To offer various programs such as supplemental courses, FlexED, a full-time Academy, tutoring services, and summer school options to help students meet academic goals and districts/schools meet strategic academic priorities
  • To deliver courses developed and taught by Indiana certified teachers in both synchronous and asynchronous formats that meet Indiana Academic Standards including AP, CTE, core, electives, and dual credit

Keep Indiana Learning

  • To provide credible and relevant professional development based on best practice research
  • To become Indiana’s preferred professional development provider in the state

Driver Education Safety

  • To improve the driver education process from enrollment to completion to make it as seamless as possible for clients
  • To reduce the waiting list in order to serve more students

Media Services

  • To become Indiana’s preferred educational video production team
  • To transition to internal content creation
  • To create a three-year roadmap for Compliance Training
  • To continue to provide high-quality crisis communication services, while enhancing public relations services

Absence Management

  • To increase the number of available substitutes for districts served
  • To clarify the benefits of our Frontline partnership (specifically Absence Management) and communicate those benefits to CIESC members


  • To enhance member school awareness and usage of this service

After-School Programs

  • To increase the number of member schools who would like to expand or improve their after-school programming

Executive Mentoring

  • To provide members with high-quality executive mentoring to enhance individual and district-wide leadership


  • To facilitate the Keep Indiana Learning initiative to provide ongoing instructional support and resources to Indiana educators
  • To facilitate the Counselor Connect initiative to provide ongoing student service support and resources to Indiana educators
  • To research, vet, and implement appropriate partnerships with outside organizations that will benefit members
  • To facilitate a Superintendent Collaborative to provide a forum for CIESC superintendents to meet and discuss topics of interest

Internal Operations

  • To develop a team culture, reducing organizational silos
  • To upgrade or replace in-house software applications to better support clients and staff
  • To develop a three-year technology replacement plan
  • To enhance marketing efforts to increase membership awareness of CIESC programs and services

ISESC Workers Compensation

  • To provide excellent service to current consortium members and to grow membership


  • To maintain a healthy cash balance to not only sustain annual operational objectives, but also to protect the organization long-term