


Description of Partnership

Skillsline, the Human Skills Company, equips your students with the skills that Indiana employers demand today. Indiana schools are being increasingly tasked with teaching human employability skills. Skillsline ensures that your graduates are ready for the future with an easy-to-implement system with cutting edge technology and relevant content at the core. Directly aligned with Indiana’s Employability Skills and SEL standards, the Skillsline mobile microlesson platform sits alongside and enhances any existing student program, offering short bursts of engaging content that incrementally build skills and drive human development. Importantly, educators and students learn these skills in parallel, providing a unique opportunity to expand the capacity of your school to develop the whole child and to create a positive school culture, all through human skills development.

Skillsline offers human skills professional development and the microlesson platform accessible on mobile. Interested in what other Indiana educators are saying? Click here to hear from Batesville High School and Thrival Indy Academy.

Special Member Pricing

Skillsline offers an up to 38% discount on professional development offerings for ESC of I educators, along with a 10% discount for the microlesson platform.

Contact for Pricing