Varsity Tutors

Varsity Tutors

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Description of Partnership

Varsity Tutors for Schools helps Indiana district leaders deliver personalized learning to students, at scale. Varsity Tutors intelligently matches students with expert tutors who provide virtual on-demand and high-dosage tutoring anywhere, anytime. We use assessments to track progress, instructional and enrichment tools to support student learning, and real-time reporting to monitor usage and achievement. A recent study showed that 91% of students who received tutoring through Varsity Tutors saw improvement in their academic performance.

Special Member Pricing

Standard and CIESC Discounted Rates for Consortium Members

Program Standard Rate Discounted Rate
1-on-1 Tutoring $60 per hour $58.20 per hour
Small Group 1:5 $175 per hour $169.75 per hour
Small Group 1:4 $160 per hour $155.20 per hour
Small Group 1:3 $150 per hour $145.50 per hour
Small Group 1:2 $125 per hour $121.25 per hour
24/7 On-Demand Tutoring $25 per student for annual site license for a full grade band $15 per student for annual site license for a full grade band Minimum of 1,000 students in a grade band (e.g. all 4th graders, all 5th graders, etc.)


Pricing for 1-on-1 and Small Group Tutoring

This first table shows our per session hourly rates using our standard pricing.

Per Session Hourly Rates | Standard Pricing
Cost per Hour for Contract Size Group Size 1-on-1 1:3 1:5 OG* OG* 1:5
Less than $500K $60.00 $120.00 $175.00 $150.00 $300.00
Between $500K and $2M $57.50 $112.50 $160.00 $145.00 $287.50
Between $2M and $5M $55.00 $105.00 $150.00 $140.00 $275.00
Greater than $5M $50.00 $90.00 $125.00 $130.00 $250.00

*OG = Orton-Gillingham

This second chart shows the per-student rates using our standard pricing.

Per Student Rates | Standard Pricing
Cost per Hour for Contract Size Group Size 1-on-1 1:3 1:5 OG* OG* 1:5
Less than $500K $60.00 $40.00 $35.00 $150.00 $60.00
Between $500K
and $2M
$57.50 $37.50 $32.00 $145.00 $57.50
Between $2M and $5M $55.00 $35.00 $30.00 $140.00 $55.00
Greater than $5M $50.00 $30.00 $25.00 $130.00 $50.00

*OG = Orton-Gillingham


This third chart shows the discount percent using our standard pricing.

Discount Percent | Standard Pricing
Cost per Hour for
Contract Size
Group Size 1-on-1 1:3 1:5 OG* OG* 1:5
Less than $500K 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Between $500K
and $2M
4.17% 6.25% 8.57% 3.33% 4.17%
Between $2M and $5M 8.33% 12.50% 14.29% 6.67% 8.33%
Greater than $5M 16.67% 25.00% 28.57% 13.33% 16.67%

Contact for Pricing