
About CIESC Membership

Membership in the Central Indiana Educational Service Center (CIESC) provides Indiana school districts valuable benefits and opportunities that translate to substantial savings for member school districts. When you are a member of CIESC you gain comprehensive access to benefits from each of our services and programs. Our full range of resources means you will likely find a CIESC service to complement each of your district’s needs.

Savings and Resources

Not only does membership come with monetary savings, but your school will also receive learning opportunities, consultation with experts in their respective fields, and so much more. The resources that you can utilize through CIESC allows schools to offer more, administrators to operate smoothly, and teachers to positively impact their students’ education. On average, members realize an ROI of nearly $105,000 annually.

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Driver Education

CIESC’s Driver Education program provides high-quality driver education to the largest number of Indiana students at the most affordable price. Our classes are convenient for our students, offered online or in-person, along with instructor-led lessons behind the wheel.

Indiana Online

Indiana Online is the largest non-profit online supplemental course provider in the state.  It is an accredited online program that partners with schools to offer over 180 supplemental courses, as well as a full-time virtual solution for middle and high school students. All courses are designed to meet the Indiana State Standards, are accredited and are approved by the NCAA. Our Advanced Placement courses have also been approved by the College Board. All courses that Indiana Online offers are developed and taught by Indiana licensed teachers, each teaching within his or her content area.

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Keep Indiana Learning

Keep Indiana Learning (KInL) is an empowering, collaborative community with a desire to transform the landscape of education. We want to remove all barriers to equitable, engaging, learning experiences–for educators, leaders, and families.

Cooperative Programs

Let Cooperative Programs help you lower your selling cost and successfully bid products and services in a wide range of areas. Our one-stop shop bulk buying saves you time and money. Assistance writing bid specifications for any special purchases. Purchasing advantage of CIESC and statewide negotiated contracts, organized into convenient online catalogs, all in one easy-to-use website.

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Media Services

We provide professional services from concept to delivery for all of your video production needs. Online compliance training courses with online completion reporting that keep staff up-to-date on OSHA compliance, professional development, and training.

Executive Mentoring

The CIESC Executive Mentoring program is designed to connect a retired highly successful administrator with a current administrator. The ultimate goal of the CIESC Executive Mentoring program is to provide a high level of job-specific and socio-emotional support to individual administrators that will enhance that individual’s chances of having a long and successful administrative career.

Executive Coaching and Mentoring Program
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Absence Management

Discounted rates to provide substitute services for employee absences and custom reports for administrators. Job posting consortium for members that allows districts to simultaneously post job openings for all member districts and allows applicants to join a job pool.

Indiana School Educational Service Centers (ISESC) Risk Management Program

MGU and wholesaler Caitlin Morgan Insurance Services established the Indiana School’s Educational Service Center (ISESC) Risk Management Program, a self-insured Trust to help public schools in the state address volatile commercial Workers’ Compensation premiums and contain their costs. Formed in 2006, ISESC is the oldest school self-insured Workers’ Compensation program in Indiana with current membership at 22 schools and two service centers.

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Interactive Meeting Space

Utilize CIESC’s state-of-the-art interactive meeting space when needed.

Digitarium Systems

Inflatable planetarium systems loaned and delivered upon request.

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Full Membership