School Climate Audit
Get actionable insights into your performance, retention, and climate
CIESC Administrative Supports a wide variety of audits to provide district and site leaders with information to ensure the organization is functioning at the highest level of efficiency and effectiveness. This process includes one-on-one interviews and surveys with staff. School leaders select interview questions to ensure the audit focuses on the district priorities. The interviews and survey responses are then curated into a report providing a comprehensive view of the focus area and recommendations based on the findings.
- Climate Audits: This process focuses on the school climate and entails interviews of administrators, teachers and classified staff to determine what is working well and what areas need improvement in terms of the school culture and climate.
- Staffing Audits: This process includes a review of the current job descriptions and functions of identified staff positions and interviews of key personnel. The purpose of the audit is to determine the roles and job responsibilities of current staffing positions to see if there are any redundancies or positions that can be restructured to increase efficiency, and how the district can best support staff.
- Stay Interviews: One of the most important responsibilities of a district is to retain its highly qualified staff members. Through surveys and interviews of administrators, teachers and classified personnel we will ask questions about how the district can best support its staff members in the areas of recognition, goals, evaluation, communication, and job satisfaction, among others.
Our Audit Packages Include:

1:1 Onsite Interviews
We interview your staff to glean insights related to performance, climate, or retention and where it can be improved. You select questions from a bank of pre-vetted options or add your own.
Take a look and reach out to our current executive coaches and mentors!

Electronic Surveys
A certified staff survey is conducted based upon IDOE’s School Quality Review Teachers’ Survey to gather additional feedback.
A non-certified staff survey is conducted based upon the factors that research has shown to impact employee retention to gather additional feedback.

Comprehensive Audit Report
After we complete the interviews and surveys, you’ll receive a detailed audit report that includes a process summary, audit findings (delineated into certified and non certified staffing categories), and in-depth recommendations based on the audit findings.
Learn where you can improve and get actionable insights with a comprehensive audit from Administrative Supports. Fill out the form below or contact Jim Hogeboom, Director of Administrative Supports, at or 317.986.2347 to get started or learn more.