Welcome back to the 23-24 school year! CIESC is excited about another year serving Indiana educators and students.
CIESC’s top priority continues to be meeting the needs of its 36 full and associate member districts and/or organizations. In 23-24, CIESC will continue to focus on enhancing its current programs and services, including:
- Absence Management
- Administrative Supports – Audits, Classified Staff Training, Executive Coaching/Mentoring
- Cooperative Programs
- Digitarium
- Driver Education
- Indiana Online
- Keep Indiana Learning and Counselor Connect
- Media Services – Video Production, Public Relations, Compliance Library
In addition to the above programs/services, CIESC is engaged in numerous grants and projects.
Indiana Department of Education Grants:
3E—CIESC is in the second year of supporting a comprehensive college and career readiness initiative in seven Indiana districts: Batesville Community Schools, Fort Wayne Community Schools, Hamilton Heights School Corporation, Hamilton Southeastern School Corporation, Mill Creek Community School Corporation, MSD of Warren Township, and Whitley County Consolidated Schools. All seven districts are identifying internal and external stakeholders to develop a Portrait of a Graduate and a Master Plan focusing on transforming Teaching and Learning, Cultures, Systems and Structures of Schools, and Partnerships between Schools and Communities.
Comprehensive School Counseling—Grant funds will be utilized to support school counselors at the statewide, regional, and district levels through professional learning, helping them to stay current in their practice, obtain new and innovative ways to support students and families, understand how to advocate for their profession, and better collect and utilize data to demonstrate impact. In addition, the grant will directly enhance the efforts of two districts, MSD of Warren Township and Hamilton Heights School Corporation, to not only enrich their comprehensive school counseling efforts, but also lead to Carrying the Torch certification.
Federal School Safety Grant—CIESC is facilitating a federal school safety grant that is providing anonymous reporting and 24/7 monitoring for 28 Indiana school districts. The goal is to provide an opportunity for students to anonymously report incidents to school and/or local law enforcement to provide positive interventions and reduce issues of bullying, violence, threats, etc. Districts report positive impacts and outcomes that are improving school safety for Indiana students and educators.
21st Century Community Learning Centers and REACH grants—CIESC will enter into its 13th year providing after-school tutoring support to MSD of Pike Township. Last year, CIESC Served over 380 students in the after-school program at eight schools. The after-school program employed over 12 Pike High School junior and senior students in partnership with the Cadet Teaching Program at Pike High School.
Indiana Department of Education projects in collaboration with all Indiana educational service centers:

Literacy Cadre—CIESC is partnering with the Center of Excellence in Leadership of Learning (CELL) to improve literacy instruction in Indiana schools. CIESC is expected to support 30 schools in central Indiana in 23-24.
I-STEM—CIESC is providing project management in collaboration with all Indiana educational service centers in the IDOE’s efforts to increase the number of STEM-licensed teachers by providing support for both currently licensed teachers in non-STEM areas and prospective teachers who are not licensed and hold a bachelor’s degree to become licensed to teach in a STEM content area. IDOE has identified eligible STEM content areas as life science, chemistry, earth/space science, physics, physical science, computer science, technology education, and mathematics. There is no cost for participants, and individuals also receive stipends. You can learn more here.

CIESC is providing project management in collaboration with all Indiana educational service centers in the IDOE’s efforts to provide professional development opportunities to Indiana educators in implementing the new streamlined and prioritized Indiana Academic Standards and new integrated STEM standards. Five regional, in-person summits and one virtual summit will be provided in September. From October through March, there will be hybrid events that complement summit content. Asynchronous courses for individual extended learning, as well as deployment in professional learning communities, will be available in Mathematics, English/Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, Integrated STEM, and Early Learning.