Amazingly, 2022 is drawing to an end and the holiday season is a wonderful time to celebrate accomplishments and show appreciation.
In terms of accomplishments, CIESC publishes an Impact Report each year that highlights the many ways our organization has positively impacted students, educators, and school districts. The 21-22 Impact Report is being released later than normal but does reflect the incredible accomplishments of our CIESC team.
The report details the diversity of CIESC services and a quantifiable depiction of the impact CIESC has made on all individuals and organizations it serves. Specific 21-22 highlights would include:
- CIESC added four new district members
- North West Hendricks School Corporation
- Northwestern Consolidated School District of Shelby County
- MSD of Washington Township
- Sheridan Community Schools.
- Cooperative Purchasing
- $94 million representing 804 busses purchased
- $52.5 million in purchases by districts through statewide CIESC programs
- Driver Education
- 5067 student enrolled
- 4435 student in-car instruction completions
- Indiana Online
- 33,715 enrollments in 165 courses
- 278 schools served
- Media Services
- Created 129 videos with $168,000+ in production services provided to CIESC members
- 13,600+ compliance training video completions
- Keep Indiana Learning (Professional Development)
- 55,424 unique visitors to the website
- Over 1300 participants in on-demand events
- Counselor Connect
- 1701 registered for professional learning opportunities
- 96 Tactic Team members representing K-12, higher education, professional associations, workforce, state, and community partners
- STEM Synergy
- 644 participants engaged in monthly professional learning sessions
- 393 expert network members
- Counselor Connect
- Executive Coaching/Mentoring
- 900 hours of executive coaching/mentoring provided to 24 districts
- The mentor cadre grew to 15 highly effective central office and building-level administrators
- Vendor Partners
- Partnership with all Indiana educational service centers
- Over 50 vetted, statewide vendor partners
None of the accomplishments listed above would be possible without a highly talented and dedicated team who are mission-focused on making a positive difference and on improving educational outcomes. I greatly appreciate our CIESC team for their daily commitment to support and serve students, educators, school districts, state education associations, and other educational partners. I am proud of our team for their devotion to service, innovation, and quality.
CIESC also values all individuals and/or organizations that utilize and place trust in CIESC. We look forward to continuing to enhance our programs and services to support and serve Indiana students, educators, school districts, and other educational partners in 2023.