New Book Details Highly Successful District Leadership Alignment

Arrows Featured Image

Arrows: A Systems-Based Approach to School Leadership empowers teachers to be true experts of learning

Media Contact:
Carrie Rosebrock 

Indianapolis 3/9/2021  — Carrie Rosebrock, CIESC Professional Learning Specialist, and Sarah Henry, Secondary Science Administrator for Brownsburg Community School Corporation released their debut book titled Arrows: A Systems-Based Approach to School Leadership. It’s a personal story of a decade’s worth of growth and alignment within the Brownsburg Community School District. Unlike other educational leadership books, Arrows is the story of what happens when, not one school—but an entire district—simplifies its vision, clarifies its goals, and truly aligns its arrows. 

Arrows is a study in action—the story of what can happen when leadership alignment creates a sustainable system of support, clarity, love, and belonging. 

“For years, teachers and leaders have wondered what the secrets behind the success of the highest performing public school district in the state of Indiana are,” says  Tina Seymour, Founder and Executive Director of Strategic Learning Solutions. “Arrows outlines the district’s focus on a narrow and common vision that consistently yields high levels of student achievement and virtually eliminates all achievement gaps. This book is a testament to what a school district can accomplish when all its arrows are pointing in a consistent direction that is focused on equity and high levels of learning for all.”

Henry and Rosebrock unpack their district’s experience of creating and maintaining a culture dedicated to student and teacher learning. It’s an educational good-to-great story resulting in higher achievement, together. The book is an invitation for school leaders and district teams to align their arrows, simplify their vision, and ultimately empower their teachers to be true experts of learning.

“I continually celebrate the ongoing collaboration of our PLC in our building and the larger grade-level PLC between buildings,” says Seth Vaught, a teacher in Brownsburg. “It is so helpful to have an established pacing guide, benchmark questions already written, and common labs and activities fine-tuned. With the ‘heavy-lifting’ done, I can better focus on student relationships and differentiating instruction.”

The book is out now and available to purchase on Amazon. Visit  to learn more. 

About the Authors: 

Carrie Rosebrock is a Professional Learning Specialist for the Central Indiana Educational Service Center in Indianapolis, Indiana. She teaches and presents at schools and centers across the state.  Before joining the CIESC team, she served as the Secondary English Administrator for Brownsburg Community School Corporation.  She works with schools to improve their PLC processes, instructional leadership, curriculum and assessment development and teacher leadership. She is a co-chair of the Curriculum and Assessment Team for Keep Indiana Learning.

Twitter: @CarrieRosebrock 

Sarah Henry is the Secondary Science Administrator for Brownsburg Community School Corporation where she works with secondary science teachers to improve curriculum, instruction, assessment, and PLC processes.  She has presented workshops at the local, state, and national level as well as educational consulting for districts around the state. She has taught aspiring educational leaders, as an adjunct professor, in the area of Assessing for Learning for several years. Sarah is also a member of Keep Indiana Learning’s Curriculum and Assessment Team.

Twitter: @mrssarahhenry

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