Executive director updates on new members, new services, and grant updates. Take a look at all of the great things coming!
At CIESC, we celebrate summer and it is also a very busy time as we provide programs that greatly benefit students and educators.
STOPit Solutions has partnered with CIESC to deliver comprehensive safety and wellness solutions to Indiana schools.
Dr. Larry Gambaiani made a significant impact for thousands of students, educators, and communities over his career that spanned 55 years.
Arrows: A Systems-Based Approach to School Leadership empowers teachers to be true experts of learning, written by Carrie Rosebrock & Sarah Henry.
CIESC recieves 4.8 million in grants from the Governors Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Fund which is targeted to PK-12 schools & Higher Ed.
CIESC’s own Christine Balak participated in the 2020 Polar Plunge at Eagle Creek for the Indiana Special Olympics and has shared her experience here.
The quality of tools art teachers utilize to teach their students can have a direct impact on learning and artistic output.
Coop Purchasing, a department of CIESC, is a buying cooperative of 25 school districts in Indiana.