After what seemed to be a lightning-fast summer, a new school year is underway. At CIESC, we want to welcome Sheridan Community Schools as a new member. CIESC is fortunate to have Sheridan as its 29th member district.
Along with our continued focus on enhancing our Indiana Online, Driver Education, Keep Indiana Learning, Media Services, and Cooperative Purchasing programs and services, there are other programs and services we are also excited about this school year.
New Administrative Support Services
In 22-23, CIESC will continue to grow its administrative support services under the leadership of Dr. Christy Hilton, the director of partnerships and administrative support.
Our executive coaching/mentoring program continues to grow with 15 mentors ready to support our member central office and building-level administrators. Last school year, our team of mentors provided nearly 900 hours of coaching/mentoring to 24 district members.
We will begin to provide a climate audit service to districts this year. Dr. Hilton will lead this work and utilize our coaching/mentor team to provide a comprehensive and customized climate audit at a school and/or district level. Dr. Hilton has also been providing professional development opportunities for classified leaders and staff, but that service will be expanded this year. If interested in one of CIESC’s Administrative Support programs, please contact Dr. Christy Hilton.
Bus Driver Training Program

A new program under development that we hope to implement in the coming months is a bus driver training program. Member districts will be able to refer potential new drivers to the program, where they will be provided with the written test and drive training to earn their CDL. Once a driver receives their CDL, they will return to their home district to complete their training program. A CDL program coordinator has been hired and is currently working with member districts and the IDOE with hopes of implementing the program by the end of September. Please reach out to CDL Coordinator Steve Dayhuff for more information.
Grant Updates: IDOE 3E Grant & IDOE Accelerated Learning Grant
CIESC continues to pursue grant opportunities and was recently fortunate to receive an IDOE 3E grant. The grant will support the development of a portrait of a graduate and a master plan for implementing career pathways designed to meet talent needs in their respective communities. The seven districts are Fort Wayne Community Schools, Whitley County Consolidated Schools, Batesville, Mill Creek, Hamilton Heights, Hamilton Southeastern, and MSD Warren Township. CIESC is partnering with Ford Next Generation Learning, a philanthropic arm of the Ford Fund and a nationally-recognized expert, to work with each community over the next two years.
CIESC will enter its second year of an IDOE Accelerated Learning Grant in collaboration with Region 8, Northeast Indiana Educational Service Center, and Northwest Indiana Educational Service Center. The grant provides training for 1500 teachers in the Modern Classrooms Project (MCP), a transformational instructional strategy that focuses on providing blended learning, individualized instruction, and mastery learning. During the 21-22 school year, about 780 teachers were trained. Each teacher received a mentor during the training and will have a mentor assigned to them for one year after training — all at no cost to the teacher or district. Survey results from those who have received the training have been overwhelmingly positive.
As always, we remain committed to support and serve Indiana educators, districts, and schools.